Financial Update - Zach Johnson

This is a brief update on the financial status and financial oversight structure within Trinity Park. 

Transparency is important here, and there are several ways to stay informed of the church’s finances:

  • Weekly Bulletin and Friday Email - Contain the monthly tithe budget and actuals. 

  • Financial Dashboard - Includes budget, fiscal year income and expense tracking as well as savings data. The dashboard can be accessed from our Give page or under Forms and Resources in the Church Center app.

The Finance Committee is an advisory group to the Session. It consists of deacons, elders and member volunteers. Its purpose is to draft the church budget and provide financial analysis and fiscal guidance to leadership. For example, in our last meeting we reviewed our monthly cash flow and available CD’s for the church’s savings. 

We are now 5 months into the fiscal year. Tithing for fiscal year to date is slightly under budget by $15K (2%) and expenditures to date are running even with budget. 

Trinity Park, like most churches and nonprofits, relies heavily on year-end giving. December giving historically represents 20% of the church’s tithing budget, which is why we’ve budgeted $150,000 as a tithing goal for December. That is $90,000 more than our traditional monthly tithe as a church. To achieve this, we need a high participation rate from the congregation. 

As always, you can give to Trinity Park Church online through the Church Center app, you can place a check in the box at the back of the sanctuary, or you can mail your tithe to our PO Box. For more information, see our Give page.  We can also accept gifts of securities such as stock and bonds.

If you have any financial questions or would like to talk more about the church, please speak with Zach Johnson, Phil Coon, or Artur Belov or email