40 Days to the Resurrection- Day

Easter is worth celebrating carefully and intentionally.  The season of Lent in traditional Christianity is a set time of preparation for our minds, hearts, and bodies to celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.  The time is designed to imitate the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness, re-orienting our hungers and affections to find our satisfaction in God’s provision above all else.  At TPC we are offering this practice as a way to individually and corporately deepen our understanding of God’s provision for us in Jesus and prepare our souls for Easter.


Day 39  |  Matthew 27:45-56, Jesus Dies | Symbol: Three Crosses

Explanation:  Jesus was on the cross for six hours before he died. He was agonizingly alone as he suffered abandonment not only from his own people but also from his Father in Heaven. As a result of that, those who trust in him will never have to cry, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins and suffering abandonment from your Father so that we will never have to experience that separation.  Please assure us that we are loved and forgiven by fixing our eyes on the Cross.

LentCharity Starchenko