Who Should I Nominate to be an Elder? - Corey Jackson

Fall 2022-Summer 2023 is a year of officer training at Trinity Park. If you are a member of our church, you are invited to nominate men for the offices of elder and deacon. As nomination month is now underway, I’ve received a few questions from various folks about how to think through their decision about who to nominate for office. The following is an attempt to answer some of the most frequently asked questions I’ve gotten over the years.

What is an elder?

An elder is someone who is called to serve a local church in the areas of shepherding, teaching, and overall leadership. Elders are called to guard the vision, direction, and doctrine of the church. In the Presbyterian form of government, elders serve the church together in what historically has been called a Session.

Where can I find the qualifications for the office of elder in the Bible?

I Timothy 3 and Titus 1 list seventeen qualifications for men who are qualified to serve in this office. Of the seventeen qualities listed, fifteen deal with character, and two deal with theological understanding or teaching ability. As Timothy and Titus were planting the first churches, they were looking for men whose character was shaped by the Gospel. Godly character is EXTREMELY important as you consider who God may be raising up to be our next elders.

After you look for character, nominate men who understand the doctrines of the Bible well and who are capable of teaching others.

How many types of elders are there?

There are two types of elders in the New Testament: Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders. 

In I Tim 5:18 we have the clearest reference to Teaching Elders. Here Paul says “those who give themselves to the work of preaching and teaching are worthy of ‘double honor.’” ‘Worthy of double honor’ is a reference to Teaching Elders, men who make their living by teaching God’s Word in the church. At Trinity Park, Andy and I are your two Teaching Elders.

Ruling Elders are men who are called to shepherd God’s people in God’s Word alongside Teaching Elders. The qualifications and responsibilities of Ruling and Teaching Elders are the same. The main difference is that Ruling Elders serve the church - not as paid staff - but in addition to the other vocational work God has called them to do.

One VERY common error to avoid when nominating someone to be an elder: Some people think if you are a successful person, then you’re qualified to be an elder. Being successful at work doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be an elder, but at the same time, it also doesn’t mean you should be an elder. Don't look for someone who is successful; look for men who love Jesus and who love to teach others about him.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself when nominating someone to be an elder:

  1. Does this person have godly character? 

  2. Does this person care for others well?

  3. Is this person able to teach?

Use this NOMINATION FORM to submit your nominations.