The Big Picture: A Walk Through the Bible - Corey Jackson
I am so excited about our next equipping session, The Big Picture: A Walk Through the Bible, on April 26 at 7pm. Pastor Andy will be leading us through the evening and will share ideas and approaches to help us study the Bible and help others grow in their knowledge of God’s Word.
There is such a temptation for people studying the Bible to interpret passages in a moralistic way, especially in the Old Testament. How can we see Christ and all that he has already fulfilled in the Old Testament? How can we understand passages from different genres? How can we keep our own personal times of Bible study fresh with both head and heart level application? Pastor Andy will be covering these topics and more in this session.
And remember - this event is for everyone at Trinity Park! This session will provide relevant information regardless of your level of Bible study knowledge, and it’s a great way to connect with others at Trinity Park.
I hope you can join us for this session, and don’t forget to let us know if you’re planning to attend.